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Schizophrenia Information > Preventing Suicide

Preventing Suicide in People who have Schizophrenia

Suicide is unfortunately one of the leading causes of death for people with schizophrenia - but it is highly preventable! Upwards of 40% of people that have schizophrenia will attempt suicide at least once.  Males with schizophrenia attempt suicide at a much higher rate than females; approximately 60% of them will make at least one attempt. The result of these attempts is that between 10% and 15% of people with schizophrenia have historically committed suicide. One of our key goals is to help provide you with the necessary information to help stop this sad and unnecessary loss of good people. The future for people with schizophrenia has never been brighter, with many new medications and potential cures being researched. Scientific research is being initiated at an unprecedented rate. Please help keep people with schizophrenia alive so that they can enjoy the benefits of all these efforts - life will get better.

Particular times that people with schizophrenia tend to be suicidal include
1) Periods when they are very psychotic and out of touch with reality,
2) Periods when they are very depressed,
3) In the first 6 to 9 months after they have started first taking medications, when they are thinking more clearly and learn that the they have schizophrenia (and all the negative aspects that this connotates).

Organizations and Resources That Can Help:

News and Research about Suicide:

When the worst has Happened





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